- Make a Facebook Fan Page (obvious)
- Website (complement Facebook, risk management, rich media)
- Review copies (go for the pros and for social "nobodies")
- E-mail marketing (still relevant)
- Pay Per Click (not a big fan of this "traditional approach" but it's always on the table)
- Photo contest (make it fun, engage with audience, there are apps for that... Really: http://www.strutta.com/)
- Quizzes
- Infographic (I really believe in this one because I like to explain the value/change in a simple and clean way)
- Badges, Banners, Buttons and Stickers (I have don something similar and will do more often)
- Wallpapers (Why not?)
- PowerPoint (Sure! Yes! Make an effective and rich PPT and put in SlideShare. Reuse it!)
- Thank you slideshow (promote your team... When you have one!)
Overall the insights are useful and match what I do/recommend to my friends and colleagues.